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Обладатели наград
Мы убеждены, что Grant Thornton - отличное место для работы, с чем согласны эксперты данной отрасли. Мы были удостоены ряда престижных наград по всему миру за наши усилия, направленные на то, чтобы помочь нашим людям преуспеть в карьере.
Just a little bit more and we will fully launch Hirebee in Kazakhstan. Our team is now actively working on bringing a new and revolutionized way to recruitment, career growth and development. So, make sure we have your email address to send you good news about our launch.
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You can't post a job or use draft option, as your limits are expired.
To view details and search our candidate database we advise to take advantage of Advanced and up packages or get Hirebee Search as a separate service by contacting us.
Here you can see users, who follow your company. You can search them by keywords and invite to apply for the best matching job announcement you have. If you would like to use this service, please contact us.